function setupTabHandling(oTable) { that = oTable; oTable.addEventDelegate({ onAfterRendering: function() { var oTableID = this.getId(); var oRows = this.getRows(); $("#" + oTableID).focusin(function() { // remember current focused cell, null, function() { var oBody = $('#' + oTableID).find('tbody'); // find the focused input field // var oField = oBody.find('.sapMInputFocused')[0]; var oField = oBody.find('.sapUiTfFoc')[0]; if (oField) { // store ID of focused cell that._FieldID =; } }); }); $('#' + oTableID).on('keyup', function(e) { var oSelectedField = sap.ui.getCore().byId(that._FieldID); var oRow = oSelectedField.getParent(); var oCells = oRow.getCells(); var aInputs = []; // all input fields per row var firstInput = 0; // first input field in row var lastInput = 0; // last input field in row // get index of first and last input fields of table row for (var i = 0; i < oCells.length; i++) { // if (oCells[i].$input) { aInputs.push(i); if (firstInput) { firstInput = 0; } lastInput = i; // } } var oTargetCell, thisInput, thisRow, targetIndex; // on TAB press - navigate one field forward if (e.which == 9 && !e.shiftKey) { // get index of currently focused field thisInput = oCells.indexOf(oCells.filter(function(entry) { return entry.getId() === that._FieldID; })[0]); // is field last input in row? if (thisInput === lastInput) { // jump to next row thisRow = oRows.indexOf(oRows.filter(function(entry) { return entry.getId() === oRow.getId(); })[0]); // is row last visible row on screen? if (thisRow === oTable.getRows().length - 1) { // last visible row - scroll one row down and keep focus oTable._scrollNext();, null, function() { var oTargetCell = oRows[thisRow].getCells()[firstInput]; oTargetCell.focus(); }); } else { // not last visible row - set focus in next row oTargetCell = oRows[thisRow + 1].getCells()[firstInput]; oTargetCell.focus(); } } else { // no row jump - focus next input cell in this row targetIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < aInputs.length; i++) { if (aInputs[i] === thisInput) { // next entry is target cell targetIndex = aInputs[i + 1]; } } oTargetCell = oRow.getCells()[targetIndex]; oTargetCell.focus(); } } // On SHIFT + TAB press - navigate one field backward if (e.which == 9 && e.shiftKey) { // get index of currently focused field thisInput = oCells.indexOf(oCells.filter(function(entry) { return entry.getId() === that._FieldID; })[0]); // is field first input in row? if (thisInput === firstInput) { // jump to previous row thisRow = oRows.indexOf(oRows.filter(function(entry) { return entry.getId() === oRow.getId(); })[0]); // is row first visible row on screen? if (thisRow === 0) { // first visible row - scroll one row up and keep focus oTable._scrollPrevious();, null, function() { var oTargetCell = oRows[thisRow].getCells()[lastInput]; oTargetCell.focus(); }); } else { // not last visible row - set focus in previous row oTargetCell = oRows[thisRow - 1].getCells()[lastInput]; oTargetCell.focus(); } } else { // no row jump - focus previous input cell in this row targetIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < aInputs.length; i++) { if (aInputs[i] === thisInput) { // next entry is target cell targetIndex = aInputs[i - 1]; } } oTargetCell = oRow.getCells()[targetIndex]; oTargetCell.focus(); } } }); } }, oTable); }